Travis Brown
Movies • Politics • Culture
This is a community for those concerned about the leftist political religions taking over society and inhibiting our ability to engage in free speech and open dialogue.
Here you'll find ongoing video series that will help you understand the origins of leftist ideology, why it has spread so rapidly, and what you can do to push back.
The video content features people like Helen Joyce, Peter Boghossian, James Lindsay, Douglas Murray, Ayan Hirsi Ali and more.
Interested? Want to learn more about the community?
Lyell Asher
19 videos
Lyell walks us through how colleges became corrupted and offers solutions for this problem.
Why Colleges are Becoming Cults

Here is Lyell's series combined!
I'm glad people seem to have enjoyed this series. Next week is the start of the college tour, which is the Social Justice Reverse Q&A tour with Pete where some of my work will be shown. We'll be posting content from that.

Someone asked for a transcript of Lyell's series, so I'll be posting that separately.

Things You Can Do: K-12 Schools

Lyell explains what can be done about the problem of ed schools in the K-12 system, and below are links he mentions in the video. I hope everyone's enjoyed this series! I'll post a link to the whole thing soon.

Ed Schools

National Council on Teacher Quality

Nation's Report Card

Parents Unite

Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism

Things You Can Do: Higher Ed

Lyell Asher outlines resources and solutions in higher ed to the problems ed schools have been causing.

There are 2 more videos in this playlist that can be unlocked when you become a supporter of Travis Brown
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