Travis Brown
Movies • Politics • Culture
This is a community for those concerned about the leftist political religions taking over society and inhibiting our ability to engage in free speech and open dialogue.
Here you'll find ongoing video series that will help you understand the origins of leftist ideology, why it has spread so rapidly, and what you can do to push back.
The video content features people like Helen Joyce, Peter Boghossian, James Lindsay, Douglas Murray, Ayan Hirsi Ali and more.
Interested? Want to learn more about the community?
Combating Woke Myths
20 videos
A series of short videos helping people counter Woke myths.
CWM - General Advice

In this final video, I give some general advice on how to talk about Woke assertions. I did my best to reply to some of the concerns members expressed in a previous post. Let me know your thoughts!

You can see each of the previous Combating Woke Myths videos here in this playlist:

My next endeavor is episode 11 on Woke capitalism, and I have some good things planned after that, too. Stay tuned!

CWM - Only a straight white male would say that!

Episode seventeen of 'Combating Woke Myths' is a more personal one for me since it involves what a girl said to me once after we had been dating for a little while. I've heard others say the same thing, which is, "Only a straight, white male would say something like that!" So, this video guides you through possible replies. Needless to say, I didn't date her for very long.
There is one more video in this series that comes out on Friday!

CWM - Denying you're a racist only proves that you are

Episode sixteen of 'Combating Woke Myths' guides you through how to talk to people when they say, "Denying you're a racist only proves that you are."
It's an absurd claim to begin with, but some people actually believe it. It seems like the easiest one to refute. Enjoy!

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