Travis Brown
Movies • Politics • Culture
This is a community for those concerned about the leftist political religions taking over society and inhibiting our ability to engage in free speech and open dialogue.
Here you'll find ongoing video series that will help you understand the origins of leftist ideology, why it has spread so rapidly, and what you can do to push back.
The video content features people like Helen Joyce, Peter Boghossian, James Lindsay, Douglas Murray, Ayan Hirsi Ali and more.
Interested? Want to learn more about the community?
Jodi Shaw - Speaking Out
3 videos
Jodi Shaw discusses speaking out at Smith College and how it feels to take a stand against Woke ideology.
Jodi Shaw - Telling the Truth

In this final episode of Jodi Shaw's series, "Waking Up to Woke," Jodi talks about the consequences of openly challenging the fashionable ideology.
Find Jodi's first video and essay describing her situation at Smith College here -

Jodi Shaw - You're Not Crazy Part 2

In this second part Jodi Shaw's series, "Waking Up to Woke," Jodi gives advice about how to deal with perceived isolation in a workplace that has been overtaken by Social Justice orthodoxy. Find Jodi's first video and essay describing her situation at Smith College here:

Jodi Shaw - Managing the Fear of Speaking Out

In this week’s three part series, we are delighted to share Jodi Shaw’s perspective on confronting ideological orthodoxy in the workplace.
Jodi is a musical artist and reluctant activist who blew the whistle on the racially hostile and discriminatory work environment she encountered at Smith College in a series of YouTube videos. In December of 2021, Jodi (also an alum of Smith) filed a federal lawsuit against the college in U.S District Court for the District of Massachusetts.

Jodi now writes a Substack, Diary of a Dissident -

Without further ado, here’s Jodi’s guest post and the first video in the series.

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