Travis Brown
Movies • Politics • Culture
This is a community for those concerned about the leftist political religions taking over society and inhibiting our ability to engage in free speech and open dialogue.
Here you'll find ongoing video series that will help you understand the origins of leftist ideology, why it has spread so rapidly, and what you can do to push back.
The video content features people like Helen Joyce, Peter Boghossian, James Lindsay, Douglas Murray, Ayan Hirsi Ali and more.
Interested? Want to learn more about the community?
12 videos
Tips and advice on how to speak with Woke friends and family members. It is only available to paid subscribers.
Improving Conversation - Part 5

Matt asks the important question of when you should stop engaging in a difficult conversation, and Pete and Anthony Magnabosco have some good tips.
This is the last of these short "Improving Conversation" videos. I'll have another video of Pete coaching someone on how to talk about systemic oppression and violence coming out in the next week.

Improving Conversation - Part 4

Daryl Davis models how to orient oneself in a confrontation/heated discussion. He's a legend. I hope this advice proves useful and serves as a good reminder of how to engage people on the other side of an argument.
The final part comes out on Tuesday, which will be followed by Part 2 of Nancy Rommelman's interview, where we focus on solutions to Woke ideology.

Improving Conversation - Part 3

In this video, Anthony Magnabosco advises us to set aside our own views when we're trying to help someone question their beliefs. He also gives advice on how to remain calm when discussing divisive issues.
Anthony does a lot of YouTube videos with Street Epistemology, which is a concept based on Peter Bohgossian's first book. Anthony also uses techniques from How to Have Impossible Conversations.
Here's an example of one of his videos speaking to a Woke person -

There are 7 more videos in this playlist that can be unlocked when you become a supporter of Travis Brown
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